The University of Tokyo
Department of General Systems Studies
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Department of Architecture
Graduate School of Engineering
大学院総合文化研究科 広域システム科学系
大学院工学系研究科 建築学専攻
Software tools for desigining origami and constrained geometries form developed by lab members.
In our lab, we try to understand the relationship between spatial forms and function to make them designable. We begin by appreciating the shapes around us, then unravel them from the perspective of geometry and computational methods, aiming to realize novel kinematic and functional systems. Two main themes are "origami", the behaviors accompanying surface folding, and "structural tessellation", the geometry of modular systems with consistent spatial connections. Potential outputs of structural origami and tessellations include deployable and repeatedly foldable temporary structures, functional and reprogrammable cellular materials, and control devices for light, heat, or sound. We are interested in both understanding and creating phenomena. Topics of research include the following.
See Research Projects abd Research Topic [pdf]for actual projects.
研究室のテーマは、立体形状と構造機能の関係を明らかにし設計可能とすることです。身の回りにあるかたちを面白がることからはじめ、幾何学と計算手法の観点から紐解き、展開構造物や特殊な機能性を持つセル構造などを実現することを目指します。 特に「折紙」と「構造テセレーション」が主要なテーマです。応用としては平坦でコンパクトな状態と立体的で剛性の高い状態とを繰り返し変形できる仮設建築物や、形を変えることで熱・光・音響などの環境コントロールを行えるデバイスなどの応用が考えらえます。 面白い現象を理解することと作り出すこと双方に興味があります。
具体的な内容は研究テーマ[PDF]およびResearch Projectsを確認ください
Tachi lab belongs to two departments. So you can join the lab from either department. Note that the admission processes are very different. PLEASE CONTACT us beforehand if you intend to apply.