Tomohiro TACHI
Tomohiro Tachi is a Professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. He studied architecture and received his Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2010. He has been designing origami since 2002 and continues to explore three-dimensional and kinematic forms through computation. He has developed computational origami tools, including "rigid origami simulator," "origamizer," and "freeform origami," which are available on his website. He explores form, function, and fabrication in nature and art. His research interests include origami engineering, structural morphology, and computational fabrication. He is engaged in STEAM education at the University of Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences.
Primary Position
- 2022/4--: Professor, Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Information and Graphic Sciences)
- 2018/4~: Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (Concurrent)
- 2019/4--: Fellow, Art Center, University of Tokyo
- 2018/1--2022/4: Associate Professor, Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
- 2010/4--2018/1: Assistant Professor, Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
Other Positions
- 2019/10--2023/3: JST Presto Researcher
- 2010/10--2016/3: JST Presto Researcher
- 2012, 2013: Part-time Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts
- 2010/12--2011/2: Visiting Scientist, Massacusettes Institute of Technology, Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Lab
Academic Background
- March 2010: Ph.D. in Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Architecture, The University of Tokyo, Kishida Lab.
- JSPS Research Fellow (DC)
- March 2007: M.Eng. The University of Tokyo.
- March 2005: B.Eng. The University of Tokyo.
- March 2001: Musashi High School
International Research Network for Computational Fabrication Fusing Interdisciplinary Information Technologies" (Co-I) (PI:Takeo Igarashi) , 2024/12--2030/3
- JST FOREST "Connecting Artifacts: Computational Approach to Interdimensional Principles in Art and Nature" PI JPMJFR232T, 2024/10--
- "Universal Origami" JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (Head Investigator), KAKENHI AREA 24B202, 2024/04-2027/03
- "Origami Bridging Science, Art, and Industry" JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (Administrative Group / Principal Investigator),24H00821, 2024/04-2027/03
- "Origami Mathematics Bridging Patterns and Physics" (Planned Research / Principal Investigator),24H00822, 2024/04-2027/03
- "Realization of people- and environment- friendly artifacts by leveraging computational design and fabrication" JST AdCORP (Co-I) (PI:Takeo Igarashi) JPMJKB2302, 2023/04-2028/03
- "Kiri-origami: origami structures induced by kirigami," JSPS Kakenhi, 22H04954 (Co-I) (PI: Eiji Iwase), 2022/06-2027/03
- "Bottom-up approach to virus capsid assembly based on tiling theory",
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) , 20K21380 (Co-I) (PI:Yasuhiro Matsunaga), 2020/07-2023/03
- "Creating Structural Origami Patterns Through Self-Organization," JST Presto JPMJPR1927, 2019/10-2023/03
- "Origami Electronics" , JSPS Kakenhi 18H03868 (Co-I) (PI: Eiji Iwase), 2018/4-2021/3
- "Designing Spatial Structures with Self-folding Mechanism", JSPS Kakenhi 16H06106, 2016/4-2019/3
- "Interactive Environment for Physics-based Design" JST Presto "Information Environment and Humans"
- "The General Design System of Deployable and Foldable Mechanisms based on Mathematics of Origami," JSPS
22800009, Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up, 2010/09-2012/03
- "Design System based on Modeling Origami Representation," 08J02400, JSPS Research Fellowship DC,
- "Development of 3D Origami Design Tool" IPA MITOH Program, Mitoh Youth, 2007.1-9
- Tsuboi Award, International Association for Shell and Spacial Structures (IASS), 2024 (corecipient: Munkyun Lee)
Melville Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 (corecipient: Glaucio H. Paulino and Ke Liu)
- A. T. Yang Memorial Award in Theoretical Kinematics, American Society of Mechanical Engineering Design Engineering Division, Tomohiro Tachi and Thomas C. Hull "Self-Foldability of Rigid Origami" 2016.08.23
- The Young Scientists' Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2016.4.20
- Cozzarelli Prize 2015, National Academy of Sciences, 2016 (corecipient: Evgueni T. Filipov and Glaucio
Paulino), one of six "papers reflect scientific excellence and originality" published in 2015.
"Engineering and Applied Sciences" Evgueni T. Filipov, T. Tachi, G. H. Paulino "Origami tubes
assembled into
stiff, yet reconfigurable structures and metamaterials".
- Paper Award, Japan Society for Graphic Science (corecepient: Yusuke Takahashi and Yurika Yokoyama)
- NISTEP Award 2014, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sciences and Technology, Japan, December, 2014
- Tsuboi Award, International Association for Shell and Spacial Structures (IASS), 2013/9/23 co-recipient
Miura [Best paper published in the Journal of the IASS in 2012 :
Tomohiro Tachi and Koryo Miura, "Rigid-Foldable Cylinders and Cells", Journal of the International
Association for
Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 53(4), pp. 217--226, 2012.]
- Best Presentation Award, Japan Society for Graphic Science, 2012/5/12/
- Structural Morphogenesis Contest 2011 First Place, Sub Committee on Computational Morphogenesis, AIJ,
(corecipient: Motoi Masubuchi, Masaaki Iwamoto)
- IASS Hangai Prize, International Association for Shell and Spacial Structures (IASS) , 2009/9/2
- Excellent Talk by a Young Scientist, JSIAM,2008/4/18
- Genius-Programmer Super-Creator, IPA,2007/10/30 [link]
- Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2007/8/29
- Honorable Mention, Diploma Design, The Universityu of Tokyo,2005/2/17 [link]
Academic Societies